During this past week in Independent Study and Mentorship, I worked on my script again for my Final Product. I was trying to make the Sam character feel less creepy, so I gave them a few more lines. This is to make the characters relate more and find common ground. Doing this helped the character Bella find round off on her conflict with herself, these lines serve as a way to tie up loose ends. After that, I edited the lines for the character Sam because I felt like they were too long, so I made the dialogue shorter, but I made more lines out of the original. I also made some drawings that could be props for the short film to make it easier on the actors, so they would not actually have to draw out pictures they can just trace the ones I provide. Another thing I did during this week, was I asked around to find someone to play the character Sam because I still not have found someone to play that character.
Something I am looking forward to this next week is finally filming the last few scenes of my short film and I am worried about if I will be able to finish my Final Product on time. I am cutting it very close.