This past week in Independent Study and Mentorship I got a confirmed mentor. Following this I also went on my first mentor visit. This mentor visit consisted of me shadowing my mentor during a photo shoot. Before and after the photo shoot I got to ask my mentor some question about things that would help me with my short film, which will be my final product. At the end of the photo shoot I got to help him breakdown the lights and other things that were in the studio.
My mentor told me about how music is one of the most important things in a short film and that it should be 60% of my short film. He also told me about how when writing a short film it should be less than 10 minutes and to figure out exactly how long the short film would be is that one page is about one minute, so my short film should be about 10 minutes of less. Another thing that is important in the short film is to have a conflict to make the film more relatable and endearing to the audience.
Something I am looking forward to this next week is finalizing a calendar for when everything should be completed for my final product. I am also looking forward to my next mentor visit.