During this past week in Independent Study and Mentorship I read an article about the importance of music in film, which is going to be very helpful with my Final Product Project. The article I read was by K-iL Um, a Adjunct Professor at the Department of Broadcasting Entertainment at the Paekche Institute of the Arts in Korea, explains how the music in films is more important than what originally meets the eye. The author went in depth about the difference between consonance and dissonance which is that “consonance is usually associated with sweetness, pleasantness, and acceptability, but dissonance is usually associated with harshness, unpleasantness, or unacceptability.” (Um 1). This is important because in my short film I will need to add music into the background of the scenes and picking the correct music can either help or hurt my film. While reading this article I was able to make a connection to another article I read by Roy M. Prendergast who also explained the importance of music in film and explained how many types of music or instruments can be associated with a type of feeling, emotion, or thing.
Some thing I am excited for this next week is meeting with mentor about my short film and talking with him about ways to improve or expand upon. Also I am excited to get feed back on my tri fold for the Research Showcase night.