This past week in Independent Study and Membership I had my first interview with a professional, which gave me a lot of insight into how becoming a freelance cinematographer is like. They also helped me showed me one of their document type films about a disabled race car builder and their story. After the interview the professional provided me with two other professionals I can reach out to that will help me continue my research.
Also during this week we created our original work proposals where we explained what we wanted to create and the steps we will take to make it happen. I proposed that I wanted to create a short film about someone slowly falling into insanity. I hope to accomplish the skill of evoking some emotion into the audience when they watch my film. I will be applying skills that I have learned like the use of the different camera angles. I will be creating a useful tool for up and coming cinematographers who will be able to gain confidence from seeing that I am just like them and was able to create something inspirational.
I plan on connecting with more professionals this week to and scheduling at least one more interview in the coming weeks.