Last week in Indepent Study and Mentorship we learned how to create our own résumés. With this new knowledge I created my very first résumé. We also learned how to broaden our network by connecting with professionals in our field of study on LinkedIn. I got to connect with three professionals that I hope to eventually get an interview with before October 15.
Also this week I learned in an article by Specs Howard School of Media about how directors plan out each scene and how they want to shoot it through storyboarding. Storyboarding is planning out each scene you will shoot by drawing out each individual one of them out. This was quite fascinating to me because I thought the Director of Photography was the one to plan out the scenes for a video shoot. With this new knowledge of storyboarding I will use this technique during my mentorship and after because this way of planning out is helpful in other fields too.
In the next coming weeks I am planning on scheduling at least two interviews and hoping to complete my first interview with a professional. I am also hoping to learn more about the planning done by the director before shooting.